District Departments » Facilities and Operations » Operations


As part of our Mission; the operations side of Facilites provides a safe, clean, and inclusive environments for student success.  
Operations consist of our Custodial, Grounds and Maintenance Teams
Maintenance Request (Work Order)
Teachers and staff would need to report the concern or request to the designated site staff at your site (Secretary or Office Manager) they can then enter the work order on your behalf. 
FMX Link
Training video on entering work order requests.  Click HERE to view video.
Facilities Improvement (Project) Request

Facility Improvement Requests for Capital Projects must be entered into FMX.

Note that only Office Managers, Secretaries, and Administrators have access to enter these requests.


Process to Access the FMX Website:

  1. Go to https://sanjacintok12.gofmx.com/project-requests

When entering the request, please ensure the following information is included:

  1. Describe the nature of the request in as much detail as possible. Include building maps, diagrams, or illustrations.
  2. Provide a room number or specific location.
  3. Explain the rationale for the request.
  4. Include a cost estimate.
  5. Identify the budget to be charged for the expenditure. If LCAP funds are being utilized, the goal and action step must be included. If other site funding is being used, approval must be obtained from the Business Office. A funding line must be entered or the system will not let you move forward in the data entry.

Site Facilities Improvement Request Budgets:

  • Elementary Sites/SJTI/MVHS: $25,000
  • MVMS/NMMS: $35,000
  • SJHS/SJLA: $50,000


Process After Submission:

  1. Once the request has been submitted, staff will review it to determine if the project is feasible.
  2. If feasible, the request will proceed to the next step in the approval process.
  3. Once all approvals are obtained, quotes will be solicited, and sites will be notified of the actual cost.
  4. If the site agrees to the cost, the project will move forward.

Facility Use Request


Application Procedures
  1. To register your agency go to https://sanjacintok12.gofmx.com/facility-use/requests
  2. Follow the step by step procedures to register your agency and input requests
  3. Your request will then be submitted to the school site being requested for approval and then forward to district staff for approval.
  4. Upon final review, you will receive an email notifying you if your event has been approved or denied.
  5. Submit a copy of your agency’s valid Certificate of Insurance and a signed Hold Harmless Agreement; these forms will need to be uploaded with the application. IF you are having trouble uploading, please contact, Gabriella Orellana. Your request will not be approved until this information is received.
  6. Fees for using District Facilities for fields must be paid prior to the date requested on the application. Payments will only be accepted between Monday and Wednesday by our Facilities and Operations Department.
  7. It is the applicant’s responsibility to submit applications in a timely manner to ensure the use of facility or field. We suggest submitting application 2 (two) weeks in advance to assure and expedited approval process.
  8. Please contact Gabriella Orellana, Facilities Secretary 1, at (951) 654-7769 ext. 4694 or via email [email protected] with any questions or concern.
Please be aware that not all applications will be approved and that the San Jacinto Unified School District reserves the right to deny an application that conflicts with the District interest. 

Facilities Use Forms


Click on a link below to download the appropriate form: