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Business Services

2024-25 Business Services
Business Services Department Being the San Jacinto Difference Through Volunteering

Administrative Staff

Name / Email Title Extension
Seth Heeren Assistant Superintendent, Business Services 4211
Ruth Cox Administrative Assistant 4211
Luke Smith Executive Director 4239
Jennifer Flora Administrative Secretary 4239
Child Nutrition Services    
Tammy White Director 3793
Karina Pasillas Administrative Secretary 3793
Facilities & Operations    
Korey Lawson Director 4696
VACANT Facilities Assistant 4696
Energy Management    
Korey Lawson, PE Director, Facilities  4683
Technology Services    
Chawn Lytle Director 4500


SJUSD provides equity and access to ensure each and every student achieves high levels of learning while developing cultural responsiveness and social responsibility.  Business Services completes this mission by creating a link between logistical resources and student success. By working in collaboration with all elements of the district, we provide fiscal support, facility & operational support, child nutrition services, and technological resources to all sites and departments.


SJUSD’s safe, nurturing, transformative and equitable culture ensures each and every student graduates college and career-ready with a passion for learning, the motivation to live responsibly and the capacity to be problem solvers as they successfully navigate their unique futures. Business Services upholds this vision by being a  trusted partner who delivers outstanding customer service, fosters collaborative relationships, and provides significant value to our District as recognized experts and leaders in fiscal services, child nutrition, facilities & operations, and technology services.
