Meeting Info and Procedures
Meeting Info and Procedures
Board Meeting Information
Regular meetings of the Board are usually held on the second Thursday of each month, at 5:30 p.m., in the District Board Room (unless otherwise noted), located at 2045 South San Jacinto St., San Jacinto, CA 92583. Meeting dates are listed on the Scheduled Meetings and Agendas page. Special meetings may be called when necessary; the agenda, location, and time will be announced and posted to this website in advance.
Closed Sessions
All regular and special meetings are held in public session. However, on some occasions during these meetings, the Board may meet privately in closed session for purposes permitted by law. Matters for closed session normally involve personnel issues, pupil disciplinary action, legal proceedings, and employer-employee relations.
Procedures for addressing the Board of Trustees
Public Comment
If you desire to address the Board during the public comment section, green half-slips are available and must be completed and handed to the Executive Assistant to the Board at 5:15 p.m. and must be turned in by the person wishing to speak. The Board President will call on you during the Public Comments, unless you note that you want to speak just prior to a particular item on the agenda. Due to Brown Act regulations, the Board may not take action or enter into discussion on items not on the published agenda. Topics that are legally proper subjects for consideration in closed session (i.e., questions and problems relating to school employees) should not be presented during this time. Three minutes are allotted for each individual who is making a presentation with a maximum of 21 minutes for each subject. The Board reserves the right to alter the time allowance when the number of recognized speakers warrants a change.