Academic Achievement
California Dashboard
CDE has unveiled the California School Dashboard, a new accountability and improvement system to provide a wealth of new information to help parents, educators, and the public.
On March 15, 2017, a new system called the California School Dashboard went live to show how districts and schools are performing over time on about a dozen state and local school district indicators. The statewide measurements include academic scores for students in English and math, rates for suspensions, graduation, English learner progress and college/career readiness. Local indicators include school climate, parent engagement, and implementation of the new state curriculum standards.
A two-minute illustrated video on the California School Dashboard, developed by the Association of California School Administrators, is available at Video by ASCA - CA School Dashboard.
The Dashboard is the next step in a series of major shifts in public education as a result of 2013's Local Control Funding Formula. California has raised the bar for student learning by transforming testing and placing the focus on equity for all students.
San Jacinto Unified dashboard report: CA School Dashboard - SJUSD.
San Jacinto High School Math Placement Protocol
Placement in appropriate math courses is critical for students during middle and high school. Proper placement in the sequence of math courses reduces barriers to learning as well as ensures that students are competitive for college admissions, including admissions to the California State Universities (CSU) and University of California (UC) colleges. CSU and UC systems recommend that students take a rigorous math course (pre-calculus or higher) during their senior year. The below placement is based on students who earn a C or better during second semester. Students who earn a D or F are recommended to retake the course during restart classes, summer school or in APEX.
The below placement is for students who did not complete Algebra 1 or Math 1 in 8th grade.
The below placement is for students who completed Algebra 1 or Math 1 in 8th grade with a C or better.
^MSJC Math 105/110 is a dual enrollment math course offered at SJHS. The criteria to enter that class requires that a student take the MSJC placement test and test into college algebra or pass math 90/96 with a C or better. Additionally, students are required to a have a total grade point average of a 3.0.
Placement Protocol
- During course selection in February 8th graders will select their 9th grade math course based on the above pathways. School counselors will review the student’s transcript to ensure that students select appropriate math course. 8th grade students who earned a D or F in Math 8 are encouraged to take Math I Jumpstart in summer school. Math I Jumpstart is an elective class that prepares students to succeed in Math I.
- Course selection for students in high school who will be entering grades 10 through 12 has two components and takes place between February and March. One component of the process is the course selection presentation conducted by the school counselors. The presentation will include a review of the graduation requirements, the A-G requirements, post-secondary options, the four year plan review, and instructions for class selection. Students will complete the course selection form and select their classes online. The second component of course selection includes an individual meeting with a school counselor. During this time the school counselor will review the student’s post-secondary plan and check to ensure that the student has properly selected courses. Math placement is reviewed at this time.
- Prior to the start of the school year students will receive a copy of their unofficial schedule during registration. At that time if a student is misplaced in a class, missing a graduation requirement or an A-G requirement a schedule change form will be completed by the student or parent. School counselors will review each schedule change form and make adjustments as necessary.
- If parents believe that they student is misplaced in a math class they can complete a schedule change request during the first week of school or contact their child’s school counselor.