Edward Hyatt World Language Academy Expanded Learning Program
Afterschool Program Overview
The Afterschool program is a free after-school program offered to San Jacinto Unified School District (SJUSD) K-8 students. The program is designed to provide a safe, structured, engaging, and academically enriching after-school environment for students in grades K-8 through critical thinking, communication, collaboration, creativity, and social-emotional learning supports. Our goal is to be an engaging extension to the regular school day, building student success, self-esteem, connectedness, and equity.
Research states that students who attend an afterschool program show statistically significant improvement in connection to the school, academic learning, boost attendance, and supports the acquisition of foundational skills. Afterschool Alliance Research.
The Afterschool program is provided free to all participating students, thanks to the California Department of Education’s After-School Education and Safety (ASES) and Expanded Learning Opportunities (ELO) grants. The Afterschool program is a collaboration between SJUSD, parents, and several community organizations including Think Together, Valley-Wide Parks and Recreation, Diamond Valley Arts Council, Making Musica, Sports for Learning, and STEM to the Future.
The afterschool program operates every school day from the dismissal of the regular school day (full day or minimum day) until 6:00 pm.
The Afterschool program offers the following activities:
- A nutritious snack
- A dedicated homework time
- Academic and social enrichment activities
- STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Mathematics) Project-based learning
- Art instruction
- Outdoor sports and recreation
- Enhanced technology access
- Computer Coding Clubs
Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) Overview & Survey Results
In an effort to ensure San Jacinto Unified School District (SJUSD) is providing students and families of the afterschool program with quality service, we have asked our SJUSD families for some feedback. This process is centered around the CQI cycle also known as the Continuous Quality Improvement cycle. During this process, we received survey responses from SJUSD families about how the afterschool program supports the Quality Standards for Expanded Learning Programs to assist in investigating successes and growth areas.
The following 6 standards were surveyed.
Safe and supportive environments
Active and engaged learning
Skill building
Youth voice and leadership
Healthy choices and behaviors
Diversity, access, and equity
You can learn about the Quality Standards for Expanded Learning Programs by accessing the website below. If interested in joining your site's CQI Family/Parent Committee, please reach out to your afterschool leadership at (951) 905-8963.
Procare Parent Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: How do I sign up for Procare?
A: Families enrolled in an Expanded Learning program will receive an invite from Procare, to the email on file from when you completed the enrollment form for your student(s.)
Q: How do I know I received a Procare Invite?
A: To view an example of a Procare invite email click HERE.
Q: Is there a step-by-step guide to signing up for Procare after receiving an email invite?
A: Yes, to view the quick guide for signing up for Procare please click HERE for Website or HERE for Mobile app instructions.
Q: What options are available on the Procare app home screen?
A: To view the Procare app parent home screen options click HERE.
Q: How do I view daily activities in the Procare app?
A: To view an example of how to view daily activities in the Procare app click HERE.
Q: How do I sign in and out of Procare with a pin?
A: To view instructions on how to sign in and out of Procare with a pin click HERE.
Q: How do I add parents and authorized pickups to my child's account in Procare?
A: To view instructions on how to add parents and authorized pickups to my child's account in Procare click HERE.
Q: If my children attend different schools, will they have different pins?
A: Yes
Q: Why can I not see my children in the app that are attending different schools?
A: In order to see the student you will need to switch schools in your Procare app, for instructions on how to switch schools in Procare click HERE.
Q: Is there a Parent User Guide for how to sign in and out of Procare?
A: Yes, to view the Parent User Guide click HERE.
Non-instructional Day Program
EXPLORE The EXPLORE program operates on days when school is not in session (intersessions). The program is not open during holidays. SJUSD staff and community partners support the student program. The program focuses on creating a safe and supportive environment while engaging students with expanded access to phenomenon-driven learning while building respectful relationships through active enrichment opportunities. The days that programming will be provided for the 2024-2025 school year are as follows:
Non-Student Days
Hours of Operation
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Monday, November 25 - Wednesday, November 27( 3 days )
Monday, January 6 - Thursday, January 9 ( 4 days )
Tuesday, February 18 - Friday, February 21 ( 4 days )
Summer Camp
Monday, June 10, 2024 - Thursday, June 30 ( 11 days )
Monday, July 1 - Thursday, July 16, 2025 (9 days)
*Summer camp is run Monday through Thursday with no camp on June 19th or July 4th.
Afterschool Enrichment Calendar
San Jacinto Unified 2024-2025 ELOP Afterschool Registration Form
August 6 - June 5
Offered to SJUSD 2024-25 currently enrolled students grades TK - 8th