SJUSD Human Resources Department Wins Golden Bell

The California School Board Association (CSBA) Golden Bell Awards promote excellence in education and school board governance by recognizing outstanding programs and governance practices of school boards in school districts and county offices of education throughout California. Golden Bell Awards reflect the depth and breadth of education programs and governance decisions supporting these programs that are necessary to address students’ changing needs.

The Teacher Residency Program won within the Category of Professional Development and Teacher Recruitment/Retention.  The Alder program provides an affordable and supportive path to a rewarding and successful teaching career. Alder students earn a Master’s Degree and Teaching Credential through a year-long apprenticeship with a trained mentor teacher. Throughout the program, Residents receive a living stipend, extensive support, and preparation for credentialing exams.

Congratulations to our Human Resources department for this recognition of your efforts in support of your mission, “to recruit, train and retain caring, highly qualified, exceptional employees to service the students and families of San Jacinto.”


CSBA is a nonprofit education association representing the elected officials who govern public school districts and county offices of education. The district will be formally recognized this December at the Golden Bell Awards Event during the Annual CSBA Conference in San Francisco, California.