Comprehensive School Safety Plans » Comprehensive School Safety Plans

Comprehensive School Safety Plans

In accordance with Education Code 32280-32288 and SJUSD Board Policy and Administrative Regulations 0450(a)(b), Comprehensive School Safety Plans (CSSPs) are updated annually.  Since 2022, San Jacinto USD schools update their plans at the beginning of the school year, based on data collected from the previous school year, and monitor the plans via the School Site Councils through the current school year.
NOTE: Some components of the CSSPs may include proprietary or confidential information that shall not be released to the general public including personal contact information for students or staff members, tactical response procedures or strategies, building infrastructure or asset information, sensitive emergency contact information, detailed security procedures for campus crisis response and campus vulnerability assessment information.
Copies of the CSSPs are kept on file at the respective school site, the District Office, and on a secure server.  School staff and responders have access to the Plan through hard copy and electronic formats.
Individuals (parents, first responders, staff, etc.) are invited to submit questions or suggestions to any School Safety Committee and can review any school's complete plan (including confidential portions) by appointment with the Student, Community & Personnel Support Department (951-929-7700 x 4411) during regular business hours.  No portion of the Plan may be copied, redistributed or made available, in hard copy, digital format or otherwise, without the expressed written consent of the District, and in compliance with any copyright laws that may apply to the materials contained within.
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Update for 2023

San Jacinto Unified School District coordinates with outside agencies and other districts in the planning process and is an active participant in local and county disaster preparedness committees and planning meetings/workshops.  The SJUSD Safety Officer collaborates primarily with Facilities & Operations, Technology, and all school sites to review and address hazards, and provide an update to the County of Riverside Emergency Management Department to complete a Multi-jurisdictional Local Hazards Mitigation Plan (LHMP) for approval by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). 


The SJUSD LHMP from June 2017 has been updated and is available for review by additional individuals within the District's boundary, February 8-10, 2023. The update is available in print from Dawn Lawrence, Safety Officer. (951) 929-7700 x4411 or [email protected].