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Educational Technology

Our Mission
The San Jacinto Unified School District provides 21st Century teaching and learning through the use of technology and mobile devices by providing teachers and students with access to Chromebooks, i-Pads, or tablets. Our department’s mission is to use educational technology as an innovative way to design, deliver, facilitate, and manage instruction for learners of all ages. This is done by providing resources to help integrate technology and create technology-enhanced student-centered learning environments to improve instruction, collaboration, and student engagement.  
Our Vision
  • Provide interactive technology enhanced student-centered learning environments.
  • Provide personalized and blended learning opportunities for both teachers and students as an innovative way to design, deliver, facilitate, and manage instruction for learners of all ages.
  • To improve collaboration, communication, critical thinking, and creativity through the use of instructional technology.
  • Provide personalized learning opportunities for both teachers and students.
    Implement a technology integration cohort to support teachers with technology district-wide. 
  • Web 2.0, Google-based technologies, and blended learning with SJUSD personalized PD game SJUSD PEAK.