SCPS Health Services » Health Services

Health Services

Health Information and Services

Healthy Students Learn Better, School Nurses Make it Happen! 

The district has three credentialed school nurses who cover several sites. The school nurses oversee licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) and health clerks, assist with special education issues, design and oversee specialized health care plans, provide vision and hearing screenings, respond to emergencies, review home/hospital requests, and consult with teachers, parents, and others on health and safety issues. The school nurses also obtain developmental histories for students who receive special education assessments and participate in IEP meetings.


Health clerks and/or licensed vocational nurses (LVNs) at each site are trained in CPR, first aid, and medication administration. They assist students with immediate health issues or injuries and communicate with parents ad needed. Together with the district nurses, they are dedicated to caring for student health needs, while promoting an optimal learning environment.


Taking Medication at School

Each student who is required to take medication at school must have written parent and physician permission on file, as well as provide the medication to the health office in the original, labeled container.   

Click here for more information about taking medication at school.


Home and Hospital Instruction  

Children may be eligible to receive Home and Hospital Instruction (H/H) if they are home or hospital bound due to a temporary disability over a period of time (more than two week)s for a medically related reason and unable to attend school, even with a modified day. Home and Hospital Instruction is, by definition, a temporary program, and is not appropriate for chronic conditions or to be used in lieu of school attendance. Because Home and Hospital Instruction does not replace classroom instruction and often may be very limited, if the absence is going to be for an extended period of time, alternate programs/modifications may be considered, including modified day or Independent Study, etc. If you feel that your child needs Home and Hospital instruction please contact your school, and request to speak to the district nurse. 

Click here for Home and Hospital Forms


Emergency Information/Health History

In order to properly care for your student and notify parents when a student is ill or injured, California Education Code 49408 requires that all parents submit emergency information with their home phone, work phone, and emergency contacts. If your student is injured or ill, and we do not have updated emergency information, we may have to call 911 for treatment at the parent's expense. Please provide telephone information for at least two to three emergency contacts who could care for your student in the event that you are unavailable.  Please also note any medical/health condition or medication that your child takes, so that we can provide appropriate care and share this information with emergency personnel, if necessary.


Updated emergency information is required at the beginning of each school year.



If you or your child are struggling with life or are finding it hard to cope, counseling help is available. Contact the counseling department for information at your school site for information on counseling referrals.

Health Services

We believe that healthy children learn better and our health services team is committed to the health and well being of our children and families.


District Nurses

San Jacinto Unified School District has 3 District Nurses who oversee health services at each of our school sites. District Nurses conduct screenings and assessments, develop reports and give input and/or participate in school meetings.  


District Nurses are Registered Nurses with a Masters or Bachelors degree and specialized training that certifies them to work as a school nurse.


Health Clerks

Every school has a Health Clerk who is trained in Basic First Aid and CPR and medication administration.  Health Clerks maintain health records on all students, provide basic first aid for students who are not feeling well or have injuries and assist with medications that must be given during school hours.  District Nurses are available for guidance and support.


Vision and Hearing Screenings

State law requires yearly vision and hearing screenings for grades Kindergarten, 2nd, 5th and 8th (10th grade is optional). In addition, first-grade boys are screened for color vision.  Parents will be notified if problems are suspected so they may seek further medical care. Parents or school staff may also request the screening of any student by contacting the Health Clerk.