Student, Community and Personnel Support » Student Success Room (SSR)

Student Success Room (SSR)

Alternative to Suspension

The SJUSD Student Success Room “SSR” was established to support students who would otherwise receive an Off-Campus Suspension for a behavioral incident.

The program serves middle school and high school students, sixth through twelfth grade. With the recommendation of the school administrator, parents may choose to have their child participate in the program in lieu of the Off-Campus Suspension.

While in SSR, students are recorded as being present in school and they are given the opportunity to complete assignments and receive credit for their completed work. 



The Goals for SSR include socially and emotionally competent youth skilled in five core areas:

  • They are self-aware. They are able to recognize their emotions, describe their interests and values, and accurately assess their strengths. They have a well-grounded sense of self-confidence and hope for the future.
  • They are able to regulate their emotions. They are able to manage stress, control impulses, and persevere in overcoming obstacles. They can set and monitor progress toward the achievement of personal and academic goals and express their emotions appropriately in a wide range of situations.
  • They are socially aware. They are able to take the perspective of and empathize with others and recognize and appreciate individual and group similarities and differences. They are able to seek out and appropriately use family, school, and community resources.
  • They have good relationship skills. They can establish and maintain healthy and rewarding relationships based on cooperation. They resist inappropriate social pressure; constructively prevent, manage, and resolve interpersonal conflict; and seek and provide help when needed.
  • They demonstrate responsible decision-making at school, at home, and in the community. In making decisions, they consider ethical standards, safety concerns, appropriate social norms, respect for others, and the likely consequences of various courses of action. They apply these decision-making skills in academic and social situations and are motivated to contribute to the well-being of their schools and communities.

What we expect from Students and Parents:

A placement conference will be held with a site administrator prior to the student attending.  A parent or guardian will need to attend the conference as well as the student.

Students must successfully complete day/days in the SSR program prior to re-entering their home school.

Students will follow all of the District Guidelines and Behavior Expectations as outlined in the Student Handbook. Students will also follow all classroom rules and expectations.

Students must follow dress code guidelines.                            

Students will be expected to show effort by being engaged, completing work, and participating positively in all activities while in SSR.

Students may not be on their home school campus or on any other SJUSD school campus while in SSR. Students may not participate in any extracurricular activities at their home school while in SSR.

Students are able to access their school lunch accounts while in SSR.  Students may bring their lunch or may purchase a lunch from the cafeteria. 

SSR Daily Outline:


  • Intake
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences ACEs Screening (Counselor)
  • Restorative Justice Circle Time
  • Why Try? Social Emotional Learning
  • Letter of Apology & Explanation
  • Naviance-College and Career Readiness
  • Academic Segment
  • Sign Out

Program Schedule and Location


Grades 6-8 Program
Monte Vista Middle School

Grades 6-8 Program

North Mountain Middle School

1202 East Seventh Street, San Jacinto



Program Schedule:

8:45-2:15 (Non-Minimum Days)

8:45-12:15 (Minimum Days)

Student Sign-In Time 8:40-8:45.


Grades 9-12 Program

San Jacinto High School

500 Idyllwild Drive, San Jacinto



Program Schedule:         

7:55-1:53 (Non-Minimum Days)

7:55-12:28 (Early Release Days)

Student Sign-In Time Begins Promptly at 7:55 a.m.

For more information on Why Try click here.
 For more information on Naviance Click Here.