SCPS Health Services » Medications at School

Medications at School


Medications normally are best administered at home, but there are times when medication must be administered at school.


In order to assist your student, we must follow Ed. Code 49423 which states that “any pupil who is required to take medication, during the regular school day, may be assisted by the school nurse or other designated school personnel if the school receives (1) a written statement (authorization) from such physician detailing the method, amount and the time scheduled by which such medication is to be taken and (2) a written statement from the parent/guardian of the pupil indicating the desire that the school district assist the pupil in the matters set forth in the physician’s statement.”


These authorizations must be renewed annually (at the beginning of each school year) and should also include the condition for which it is to be given, when it should be discontinued, and possible side effects. 


A medication may include not only a substance dispensed in the United States by prescription, but also a substance that does not require a prescription, such as over the counter (OTC) remedies, nutritional substances and herbal remedies (5 CCR 601). 


All medications must be brought to school by a parent or adult (student may not carry/bring in) in the original pharmacy or store labeled container.  The label must detail the name (or ingredients) and have clear instructions as to how to administer. This includes topical medications. Medications may not be cut/halved at school.  This is to prevent cross contamination of one medication to another via the pill cutter and also because they may not be cut accurately.  Any medication needing to be halved or cut must be done by the pharmacy or the parent. 


Medications must be stored in a locked cabinet in the Health Office, unless allowed to be carried on the student per law. (Exceptions may include emergency medications such as asthma inhalers, epinephrine auto injectors, or diabetic needs).


These procedures are required so that your student will receive their medication exactly as your physician prescribed.  If there is a concern regarding these procedures, a parent or parent designee may come in and administer/apply the medication to their student (and no authorization would be required).  If you have any questions regarding these procedures, you may contact your school and request to speak to the School Nurse. 




Insert Link to Board Policy and Administrative Regulation on Administering Medication and Monitoring Health Conditions

Asthma Inhalers

San Jacinto Unified School District supports the self-management of asthma by students who are deemed capable and competent. The increased incidence of asthma in school age children and the trend among health care practitioners to encourage self-management supports self-administration. Generally, students who are in middle and high school are able to appropriately administer and manage their asthma and therefore, carry their inhaler, if approved by both parent and their physician.


Because asthma can have a rapid onset that requires the immediate treatment with an inhaler, allowing students who are capable and responsible to carry their inhaler can prevent more serious complications. Students who have better managed asthma, will have better attendance and will be ready to learn.


The following criteria for self-administration of asthma inhalers must be in place:

  • Written direction from the student's physician stating the student is able to safely administer and store the inhaler medication(s), and specifying the number of inhalations and frequency of administration permitted.
  • Written permission from the parent/guardian stating the student is able to safely administer and store the inhaler medication(s) and stating that the parent/guardian will take responsibility for their student's appropriate use of their inhaler and acceptance of responsibility to notify the school of any change in the physician's orders.
Inappropriate use of the inhaler while under self-management may result in withdrawal of the privilege and possible disciplinary action.